Islam's building has five component pasrts, In other words, Islam has been built on five essentials. The first one is o say the Kalimat Syahadat, and to learn and believe the meaning it carries. The second one is to perfrom ( the prayer termed) salat (sholat) five times daily within their prescribed times. The third one is to fast every day  throughout the blessed month of Ramadhan. The fourth one is to pay zakat and 'ushr annually, after it becoems farz to do so. The fifth one is to perfrom Hajj once in a life time, if doing so is within one's means. Doing these five commandments of Allahu ta'ala, along with avoiding (His prohibitions termed) haram, is called doing worship.
     The first thing incumbent on a person, no matter in what place of the world, is to learn their faith and iman. Of old, it was quit easy to learn religion from Islamic sholars. As we live in the latest time today, there are no Islamic scholars left anywhere. The one and only way of learning faith dan iman properly now is by reading bools written by scholars of Ahl As-Sunnat. Finding these books is a great favour granted by Allahu ta'ala.
     This disease is spreading among yaoung people. It is absolutely necessary that Muslim parents should protect their children againt this pendemic. For doing so, they ought to infrom their children about their faith and accostum them to reading religious books. And this, in turn, should be made possible by protecting their children againts fondness for harmful pastimes. Parents have to somehow steer their children towards book reading Ethics of Islam, for istance should be read. A person who reads that book will not only learn their faith and iman but also penetrate the disguises assumed by Islam's enemies and know how they work.
      Another matter whereon parents ought to focus their attention is the matter of satri awrat, (wich is explained in minute detail in the eight chapter of the fourth fascicle of Endless Bliss). When people with exposed awrat parts enter mosques they cause Muslims to become sinful. Therefore, Muslims who go to such mosques earn sinfulness and thereby incur the Ghadabi Illahi (wrath of Allah ta'ala) instead of earning thawab.     

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