Allahu ta'ala created all beings. Everything was non-existent. Allahu ta'ala, alone was existent. He always exists. He is not a being that came to existence afterwards. If He had been non existent before, there would necessarily have been a power to create Him. For, non existence of a power to create something non existent entails the continuation of the non existence of that non existent thing, so that it can never come to beinng. if the owner of power to creae it existed.
    Allahu ta'ala first created simple substances, constituents off all material beings, and souls and angels. Simple substances are termed elements now. There are a hundred and five elements known as of today. Allah ta'ala has created, and is always creating, every subtance and every object from these hundred and five elements. Iron, sulphur, carbon, oxigen gas, chlorine gas are an element each. Allah ta'ala has not stated how many million years ago He created these elements. 
     Allahu ta'ala made man from lifeless substances and a soul. Man had never existed theretofore. Animals, plants, genies, angels, had been created before that earliest man. What Allah ta'ala wants from people is that they should live in comfort and peace in the world and attain endless felicity in the Hereafter. For this reason He commands useful things that will cause felicity, and prohibits harmful things that will cause perdition. If a person, regardless of his being religious or irreligious, a Belivier or a non belivier, adapts him self to the Ahkam Islamiyya.
      The initial commandment of Allah ta'ala is to have Iman. And Kufr is what He prohibits before any other vice. Iman means to believe the fact that Muhammad shallallah  'alaihi wa salam. is the final Prophet of Allahu ta'ala. To him did Allah ta'ala impart His commandment by way of Wahy. In other word, He revealed His Ahkam Islamiyya to him through an angel, and he in turn explained all of them to people. The Word which Allah ta'ala revealed through an angel is called the Qur'an Al-Karim. A book that containsan entire written text of the Qur'an Al-Karim is called a Mushaf .
      When the Qur'an Al-Karimwas revealed, its grammar suited with the Arabic language spoken by the people of that time, and it is in poetic form. In other words, it is metrical like poetry. It abounds with the delicate subtleties of the Arabic language. It excels in the Arabic sciences of belles lettres such as Badi', Bayan, Ma'ani and Balaghoh.

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